Useful posts all about digital marketing, sales funnels, conversion and optimisation
Customer Personas or avatars
Whenever we design a digital product or service, we need to identify who our target audience is at the customer level. Finding outmore about them and understanding key pain points will mean that we can design a product or service exactly as they need it. This is a...
Good Offer or Value Proposition Examples (Part 2 of 2)
As a second part to this series about offers or value propositions, I want to run through some good examples. The first one that's definitely worth a look at is Stripe, and if you remember, we have to answer the questions: "Where am I?", "What can I get here?" and...
The No.1 Reason For Low Website Conversions – Bad VP (Pt 1 of 2)
Are you making this one fatal homepage error? You wouldn't be alone, because about 90% of businesses that I've come across seem to. I see hundreds of homepages doing this one particular thing really, really badly. So getting it right is vital if you have any type of...